Get Certified

Why get certified? Because it makes you a better case manager. It makes you a better you.

The CCM® is the largest, oldest and most highly valued credential for case managers. Long recognized by accreditation organizations as a proxy for workforce readiness, its value has expanded as health care evolves to a more patient-centric, coordinated model of care.

Simply put, health care organizations need well-trained, knowledgeable case managers, and the CCM is the standard for the industry and salaries for CCMs continue to rise. The majority of CCMs earn more than $80,000 annually, and salaries have trended upwards for 5+ years. That compares favorably with median salaries for nurses and social workers—the fields in which most case managers are trained. A majority earned salary increases in the past 12 months, too, indicating a strong upward salary trajectory. More than half of CCMs who are executives earn more than $100,000 annually, as do more than a third of CCMs in management roles.